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2024 Presidential Primary: Early Voting
Presque Isle Township Hall2024 Presidential Primary: Early Voting
Presque Isle Township Hall2024 Presidential Primary: Early Voting
Presque Isle Township Hall2024 Presidential Primary: Last Day for Early Voting
Presque Isle Township Hall2024 Presidential Primary: Election Day
Presque Isle Township Hall2023 Tax Deadline: Treasurer’s Office Open 9a-5p
Presque Isle Township HallFinal day to pay 2023 taxes at the Township Hall. After today, all outstanding taxes will be forwarded to Presque Isle County and will be subject to further penalties.
Planning Commission Meeting
Presque Isle Township HallJoin the meeting on Zoom: Zoom Credentials Meeting ID: 848 7868 0169 Passcode: 731168 Phone: (312) 626-6799 (Chicago)
Board of Review Organizational Session: 9am
Presque Isle Township HallBoard of Trustees Meeting
Presque Isle Township HallJoin the meeting on Zoom: Zoom Credentials Meeting ID: 891 4321 7965 Passcode: 980850 Phone: (312) 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Board of Review Meeting
Presque Isle Township HallJoin the meeting on Zoom: Zoom Credentials Meeting ID: 885 6988 7871 Passcode: 165887 Phone: 312 626 6799 (Chicago)
Board of Review Meeting
Presque Isle Township HallJoin the meeting on Zoom: Zoom Credentials Meeting ID: 870 0349 5801 Passcode: 444705 Phone: 312 626 6799 (Chicago)